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Satisfied cusormer built fuelless engie

Successfully Built Our Fuelless Engine Model 2!

Hi Rick
Just wanted to let you know that I have successfully built your New Fuelless Engine Model 2, and it has worked as advertised!  You guys are doing a great job. Thank God for you!


As a generator the output is 240 VAC x 14KW.  I am now going to build a second model and this time I am going to try using ABS Plastic.  It should work even better than the UHMW polyethylene white
plastic. I am also going to make a few modifications to raise the efficiency. The motor runs cool to the touch! AMAZING!   I have also ran my entire home with this motor / generator – and my home is all electric!


Satisfied customer who buit fuelless engine

My son and I have built the Fuelless Engine Model 2, and have stopped the house meter!
And we have went a step further and we added a second motor to the shaft. Have not gotten it
over 950 RPM, but we have a 220 volts output!  Made some of it from black plastic. Works very well.


Waiting for more information on your Phase II motor / generator!

Kevin R. Wall Meridian Mississippi  USA    7-8-2016


satisfied customer who built fuelless engine

Successfully Built Our Fuelless Engine Model 2!
Running home as a hybrid system, and saving big money on their electric bills!


Good Morning ( Rick Gibson ) – Happy Thanksgiving

I first tested your motor / generator, running it on a 12 VDC battery for one month to see if it would
keep the battery charged and not lose any energy. The test was successful! The battery stayed fully charged!

I now have it hooked up to my home and it is saving me on my electric bill! My wife does not like me experimenting with my
Fuelless Engine ( disconnecting it to the grid ), because our electric bill goes up when I have it offline.


MY NEXT STEP IS PHASE TWO! – ( Now working on it – to get even more power! To totally get off the grid! )
Thanks for your help/Jimmy G.  illinois  USA   11-25-2016


WOW! Customer Builds SP500 AC Generator / Fuelless Engine M2 Motor From Plywood!

Hello Rick
I just wanted to let you know that we have successfully stopped the house meter!
As you can see we made it all out of plywood. We are very happy with your invention!


Lenny B. Florida – USA  4-21-2016
NOTE FROM CREATIVE SCIENCE:  We do not recommend that you use a wood construction.
May warp and not last as long or get the same results as the HDPE or UHMW plastic material.

successful fuelles engine buid


successful fuelless engine build

Customer From Uganda – Very happy with our SP500 AC Generator Kit and wants 100 more!  June 14th 2016


Greetings Rick 
Finally lit up the gadget. ( SP500 AC Generator Kit ). Well my finishing is not spot on – but hey…i did it all alone. Took a while to build –  but well…it lit up ( works ). So, i am running it with a gear motor powered by a 12 volt DC battery.  Me and my uncle would be interested in buying Qty- 100 SP500 AC generator Kits from you. Could you deliver them in about 3 to 4 months time?

Many thanks
David Bejai. Uganda    June 14th 2016


I built the fulless engine from creative sciece

I am writing in regards to Creative Science & Research. I would like to inform you that I am U.K based and one of the many happy people who have built an over unity working system, which has been powering my appliances. I am NOT an engineer, but I am good at making things, and most of what I have learned has been through this project with Creative Science!

I have a free energy system in place, and it is working for me!
Larry Fld from – UK  United Kingdom


Successfully Built Our Fuelless Engine Model 1!

Hello Rick
I have successfully built your Model 2, and have stopped the house meter dead in it’s tracks! Very happy customer!
It works just as you have said. I will contact you and tell you a few things I did that might help other customers.

Gerald B.  Buckley, WA.  98321   USA    3-29-2016
The Fuelless Engine Model # 2 – Free Energy Motor / Generator!
Hey, Rick. I just wanted to let you know that I successfully built and duplicated your Youtube video experiment.The motor is running great and it stopped the house meter!  I am very satisfied with your device as well as the plans.

Paul T. State of Pennsylvania USA
Hello my name is Brian M., I am a BIG SUPPORTER OF NIKOLA TESLA & CREATIVE SCIENCE CO.  The motor and generator I made has stopped the house meter and has reversed it! I use a perpetual loop style method. I have found that electricity can be made into a productive perpetual loop!!!  I am a Scientific researcher and engineer. I like to invent and re-invent things. I have taken your design and made it much bigger and have used aluminum material in replace of the UHMW plastic. I have made the coils much bigger as well. I will give you the specifications in my e-mail.

Brian M. Texas USA – Oct. 27 2015

The Fuelless Engine!  Self Running! 3,000 watt output!
Hello Rick
I have successfully built your large Fuelless Engine motor! It works great! It will run itself and a 3,000 watt windmill generator at the same time! I am using two 12V DC batteries. One to run the motor and the other to collect the free energy from the second cycle of the motor. When the first battery runs low to about 11.5V DC the batteries are then switched. The first battery is then recharged using the free energy from the motor. The second battery, which is now fully charged, is used to run the motor. This thing will keep on running and never stop!  I also have a 3,000-watt windmill generator connected to the shaft of the motor to recharge a battery bank. The battery bank powers my inverter to power my home during blackouts. We get a lot of bad weather down here, including hurricanes! I now want to build a larger motor to power my entire house 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Paul T. State of Louisiana USA     June 28th 2010
Fuel From Water – Run Your Car On Water!
Last year in high school I set out to run my car on an alternative fuel. I built an electrolyzer ( hydrogen fuel cell ) out of my own design and actually started and idled a 302/5.OL carbureted engine from a 1971 Ford Mustang.


Tyler Akins   USA
The Fuelless Engine Model # 2  ( Order # 362-RCm2 )
Dear David
I purchased your plans on 09/30/2013. I have built an operating motor, and it works fine. I made a minor change, wiring the coils. Wired them series-parallel, separated the north south pole coils using jumpers.
Mike B, Navarre, Ohio  USA
Web Reply: Sounds great Mike! I am glad you like our motor. We made the plan and the motor simple in design so just about anyone can build them. This free energy motor also comes in a kit. Contact me for more details.

Thank You
Rick Gibson
Creative Science & Research
July 8th, 2014: I also talked by phone to a customer up in Canada who is an engineer. He purchased our Fuelless Engine Model # 2 plans and videos as well. He successfully built our free energy motor/generator and is using it to power his new invention. He came up with a device that can kill super bugs or any type of virus that tries to attack the human body.  The Canadian Government is now funding him to manufacture them for all the hospitals in Canada. He told me he was also going to be showing his invention to our US President  – Barack Obama. He also did a few small modifications of his own to help improve the efficiency of our engine. If you have watched our video you can clearly see that our motor is also acting as a generator as well as collecting and producing free energy! Enough free energy to stop the house meter. We, as well as some of our customers, have also turned that house meter backward! Our New Fuelless Engine Model # 2 has now been combined with our new SP500 Generator! A motor and generator all in one!

Rick Gibson / Sales Dept
Creative Science & Research
The Fuelless Engine Model # 2  ( Order # 362-RCm2 )

Dear David

I purchased your plans on 09/30/2013. I have built an operating motor, and it works fine. I made a minor change, wiring the coils. Wired them series-parallel, separated the north south pole coils using jumpers.


Mike B, Navarre, Ohio  USA
The Fuelless Heater!

Dear Dave

I just wanted to inform you, I am amazed by your Fuelless Heater,  Wow! It really works!  I have been a mechanic for about 10 years and when I saw how much heat came from my small spaghetti can heater I was absolutely AMAZED!! I am building a Hybrid car and will build a bigger unit to heat it with.  I am also going to build your Fuelless Engine.

Sonny Schade  USA
Phone Conversation from James Vanhoese  USA     8-30-2005



I have a friend  ” Thomas ”  who purchased some plans from you, He built 6 homemade batteries from your # 396 plans and is using them to light his entire home!  He removed the light bulbs from his 120 Volt AC system and is using your batteries to provide all the lighting in their home. Now he is coming over to my house to teach me how to build my own batteries so I can have free energy lighting as well!


Hello, this is Jerry Salmons, I want to order your #362 Fuelless Engine plans, I ran into a man who works at Home Depot and he told me about you guys, He said he built 2 Fuelless Engine motors from your plans and is running his entire home with them.  He said he is using the Fuelless Motors to run 2 high amp 12 volt car alternators and the car alternators are running and charging 12 volt car batteries or marine batteries,  The batteries are then connected to a qty of  2 – 5000 watt inverters which step up the voltage to 120 V AC  to run his entire home! he is running all his lighting, appliances, TV and heating etc…
Successfully Built Our Fuelless Engine Model 2!

Hello Rick

Just wanted to let you know that I have successfully built your New Fuelless Engine Model 2, and have run my entire home with it! I have an all electric home. It has worked as advertised! You guys are doing a great job. Thank God for you! The Output is 240 VAC x 14KW. I am now going to build a second model and this time I am going to try using ABS Plastic.  It should work even better than the UHMW polyethylene white plastic. I am also going to make a few modifications to raise the efficiency. Your free energy motor/generator runs cool to the touch! AMAZING!
John W.  Pentwater, MI.  49449  USA


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