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High Voltage Power
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High Voltage Diode Plans
Learn how to build your own one way HV diodes! Great for many free energy projects. As well high voltage anti-gravity aircraft.
Great for charging high voltage capacitors and more. They can be made in all shapes and sizes!
Plans are available in .pdf Adobe Reader format and can be downloaded or sent to you on computer CD.
What is a high voltage diode?
A high voltage diode is any diode designed to operate at extremely high voltages. It is important to use the proper rated diode for the project you intend it for. Make sure the diode is rated higher than the project requires. Diodes can burn out. And I mean they can actually burn! Nearly any diode can operate at any voltage if that is what it is made to do. By reinforcing parts of the diode and using specific materials during its construction, it is possible for a diode to withstand extremely high amounts of power. With that being said, there are several types of diodes that are commonly used when dealing with high voltages or voltage spikes. They come in many shapes and sizes.

You can build our generator to run any size home! Or if you like AN ENTIRE CITY!
It is easy! Simply scale up our design to any size voltage or wattage output you desire!
This is one of many coil tests done on the SP500 AC or DC Generator!
Detailed AC – DC Generator Plans:
This is a new type of AC or DC generator designed by David Waggoner.
New Technology for the 21st century, and designed as an easy homemade device that anyone can build! A breakthrough in AC – DC generator design! Great for Home use as well as industrial use! It was designed to operate with our Fuelless Engine, Windmill, and Fuelless Gravity Engine devices but can be operated by other means as well. Rated at about 6kw to 8kw x 120V AC. Can also be built to run at 12 VDC, to charge a battery bank for home inverter use.
Very high efficient! Unlike any other generator seen today! Can easily be designed to operate at much higher voltages other than 120V AC. Great for many high voltage projects. The plans are 137pages long and are packed with color photo’s, drawings and instructions that are easy to follow.
Included in these plans are the horsepower / generator formulas. Learn how much horsepower it will take, to achieve a certain wattage or voltage output. Plans also include a rpm formula guide. This will show you how many rpm it will take to get a 120V AC x 60 Hz or 50 Hz, and how many coils and magnets will be needed for certain rpm to stay at the standard 60 Hz or 50 Hz cycles for common household current.
For those needing 220V AC or 240V AC that live outside the USA, our SP500 can be designed to run at these voltages as well. We know of no other research group that has a generator and motor all in one like this!
We have made it easy for you to build at home. You do not have to be an electrical engineer to build this. Let us teach you through our easy to read and easy to follow step by step plans.
” I discovered this special type of generator when I was working on a new prototype for a free energy electrical motor. I placed my array of coils next to moving N38 Neodymium magnets and what I saw on my volt meter just blew me away! I could not believe what I was seeing. The electrical output was like nothing I had ever seen before! Very high efficient! I don’t think there is any other generator in the world like our SP500 Generator, and it is not that hard to build!
I personally guarantee The SP500 to work or your money back! “
David Waggoner
Owner / Inventor
Click here for more information on SP500 AC GENERATOR KITS! Or Contact: Rick Gibson at: 1-812-945-5839 or by e-mail at: – Payment on kits can be made by personnel check if you live here in the USA or by bank wire transfer. If outside the USA payment can be made by Bank Wire Money Transfer Only!