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Fuel From Water
Part 1 (#FFWH)
Learn how to build an electrolyzer fuel cell! We will teach you how to get fuel from water and with that information you can learn how to run any gasoline engine on water. It is a very simple process. The amount of gas that is output will depend on the proper construction of the cell itself. You can also use hydrogen to cook with or to heat your home with.

Fuel From Water
Part 2 (#SMW)
Part 2 of Fuel from water.
Also, see part one. Learn How to run your car on water by separating the molecules into gas. More powerful than gasoline! More details below.
Fuel From Water part one is loaded with information and safety instructions! Over 60 pages long!
Learn how to build powerful fuel cells that you can run a car or home generator with. A parts list is included.
We also tell you where you can buy many of the safety parts, such as a hydrogen flash back arrestors etc..
Learn how to build large HHO cells. We are also including how to build cells that produce hydrogen and oxygen separately. You can store the gases or use them on demand. You can also make your own browns gas cutting torch with these gases. These torches can cut through just about anything and can fuse odd metals together. Hydrogen has also been used to cook with as well as heat a home. We have a customer in England that uses HHO gases to heat up his hot water broilers to heat his entire home.
Fuel from water! Fact or Fiction? Fact!
Water can not burn unless the molecules that make up water are split into gas. A very simple Process!
Learn how to build an electrolyzer fuel cell. We will teach you how to get fuel from water and with that information you can learn how to run any gasoline engine on water, it’s a very simple process. The amount of gas that is output will depend on the proper construction of the cell itself. You can also use hydrogen to cook with or to heat your home with.
Example: A customer who bought our plans quickly put together a small Fuel Cell Unit. Using an 8 oz glass of water, he quickly had enough hydrogen to power his Bunsen burner for days! He wrote to us and told us that he was amazed that he could get that much energy from just one glass of water.
The fuel cells are easy to build from supplies you can find in your home or at any hardware store in your area.
We do not store the Hydrogen and oxygen in large containers, we use it on demand, we make it as it is needed which makes using these fuel from water cells safe to use. Plans will include a supply list.